I had the honor of being one of 20 authors selected for the Pacific Northwest Bookseller's Association's (http://www.pnba.org/) 2nd Annual "Nightcapper" event last night in Portland, OR. Beyond it being a fantastic event...
It was my first signing!
Signing my first book for an actual person (not related to me...) is now 2nd on my all-time favorites list of being an author. The first was receiving the first copy in the mail and holding my book in my hands, shiny cover and all. Signing books? Awesome #2. I was in excellent company at the event, and it was a pleasure to meet so many booksellers from all over the region.
The response at PNBA to "Screw Cupid" was great - everyone who came up and talked to us thought the title was awesome, and everyone loved the cover. Our table was dominated by the day-glo pink of the book cover, which made us stand out from the crowd and fortunately is a flattering color for both my editor and I. :-)
A very big thank you to the staff at PNBA for putting on such a great event, and for making my first signing experience such a pleasurable one.
Fun story from the drive back to Seattle from Portland in the wee hours of the night:
I stopped to fill my beater of a car's gas tank in a town called Cougar in southern Washington. I get out to swipe my card and put the gas nozzle in the hole, when I hear a hissed "Hey!" from the gas attendant's booth. Upon closer examination, she had opened up the door to her booth about 4 inches and was saying something to me. I walked closer to hear better.
I kid you not, this is what she said:
"Hey. You might want to sit in your car while you fill up. We just heard on the radio that a cougar is wandering around the neighborhood. They like to attack. " She pulled the door shut and went back to her business of cashiering.
A cougar in Cougar, WA...that likes to attack. Rad.
I finished my gas pumping business unassaulted by large felines, but needless to say, was glad to get back in my car unscathed.
Next up in the world of Screw Cupid is preparing for my first public book signing next week at the Borders in Redmond, WA and preparing for my live interview on KING TV's "Morning News" on Thursday at 8:20am.
Yours in sunny, non-cougar infested Seattle,