Saturday, January 30, 2010

Success story with Screw Cupid as a prop!

I received an email a few days ago from a male fan who discovered Screw Cupid in his local bookstore, read it in one sitting and immediately tried out SC's techniques on a trio of attractive women browsing in the bookstore. He used Screw Cupid as a prop, and approached them:

Male Fan: Hey, can I ask you guys a question?
Trio of Hot Girls: Sure. What's up?
Male Fan: I need to buy a present for my sister, and I'm thinking about getting her this book on how to meet guys (pointing to Screw Cupid). How do you think that would go over, from a girl's perspective?

This was his description of what happened:  "I stood back and watched in utter fascination as the three of them began an involved, animated Q&A amongst themselves and between me and them on the subject of giving a girl a book on dating advice. It was not awkward or forced, and I barely had to say anything to keep the discussion going... the hardest part--initiating and sustaining a conversation with a group of opposite-sex strangers in a public place, was a breeze."

Props to my male fan for taking the initiative and trying it out, and I'm so glad to hear it worked so easily and effectively!

PS - If anyone has a success story from using SC's techniques, I'd love to hear about it. Email me anytime at

Yours in dating success,

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